5 Phenomenal Malaysian Graphic Designers and their Portfolios

Posted by Aaron on Oct 13, 2018 11:58:47 PM


Graphic designers in Malaysia are a dime a dozen. That means, if your dream is to be the most amazing Malaysian graphic designer, you have your work cut out for you. 

Why is design so important? In the words of the unfathomably wise Paul Rand,


“Design is the silent ambassador of your brand.”


Every great company knows that and that is why they are careful about which graphic designer they pick.

What sets the great graphic designers apart from the mediocre are proven track records of beautifully crafted design, aligned with a brand’s core message. They show off their track record with amazing portfolios that endears their audience and causes envy among their competitors.

Need proof? Here is a list of top notch Malaysian designers who display their work with bravado.

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Topics: Graphic Designer, Portfolio

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